Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mind Set

When I plan on running three miles, my legs will carry me three miles and not a step past. If, instead, I plan on running 10 miles, my legs will carry me 10 miles and not a step past. This tells me that my ability lies not in actual physical ability but in how my mind is programmed. My running friend and I had taken the majority of a few months off this winter because of cold temperatures. We did a few short runs and then she talked me into doing a half marathon a month later, which put us at eight miles on the training schedule. We hadn't done near that distance in several months. But, knowing what we've accomplished before, we put on our determination and headed out the door. We successfully completed eight miles. It wasn't our fastest time, but it was proof that so much of what we can accomplish is due to our mindset and knowledge of what we have done in the past. I love the story of Gilgal (Joshua 4) in the Bible and how God told His people to set up this memorial to signify what God accomplished for the Israelites. It was to be a testimony to teach their children as well as remind them all of how capable God is. How is your mind wired? What do you believe is possible? What have you seen God do in the past and how do you purposefully remember it? What is God capable of today? Do you know people who just seem to have a different reality--one where anything is possible? Let God reprogram your mind as to what He can accomplish through you!

1 comment:

  1. WOW girl! I just noticed that you posted this last week, but it is perfect for me in this exact moment that I'm reading it. Thanks so much for your encouraging words, they blessed me today! Tonya
